
Portsmouth, Home Sweet Home

The time now is 0317H on Monday morning. Eventually I arrived in Portsmouth. The moment the train finally stopped at Portsmouth Harbour, I felt glad and I said " I'm home". Weather was cold when I walked with my heavy luggage to my Wardroom...... Once I got to my cabin... wahhhhhh!!!! Siuk ehhh rasanya. I am really home, feeling like home. Once I opened my cabin, my bed was clean and ready and everything was secured.

Nyaman rasanya balik arah rumah sendiri walaupun bukan rumah banar... SInce I got here, I feel very comfortable and nothing compare my cabin in Portsmouth. My cabin is just so spacious and warm. Right away unsecure my stuff, logged on internet, put on Nocturne music from Chopin while I am writing my blogspot. Nice music... not forgetting, concurently makan serunding given by Kak Zurin.

I guess it's not late to say Happy New year 2009 to everyone out there coz if I'm not mistaken the last time I updated my blog was on new years eve. Wow... today is 5th January, Monday.. Time has passed very quickly and so fast. Yesterday was Nona's Birthday and I managed to greet her on sms as well as through msn.

There's so many stories to update and I'm not going to write everything tonight coz I am just tired. Sunday morning after breakfast, I had to say goodbye to Manchester and took 5 hrs train to London. Then I spent few hours pempering myself exploring London then I took a train to Portmouth approximately 1 hr and 10 minute. Not bad...SO it was quite hectic and long journey from Manchester to London to Portsmouth.

So when looking back where I started from Manchester, with my luggages, cramp in a bus, reading 2x newspapers, dragging my luggages to bayswater, missed train, waited another hour and very freezing cold.. I am now feeling grateful to be back here again in my cabin feeling so warm and very comfortable.....

I shall update more stories later when I get up...... hmmmmmmm I guessed I had a great Christmas leave and I could feel it the moment I touched here. Great ending!! Good night everyone.

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